Your Watch -
Your Idea

The Watch that allows kids to participate in the creation of their wristbands and offers a playful way to learn time.

On the first day of school, kids should not only receive their regular school supplies, but also their first own wristwatch. Our design offers the opportunity to get involved in the personalization of their new treasure. The bracelet can be styled individually - their imagination is the limit. The finished works of art can easily be clamped to the body of the watch. As designers, we hope that a lively exchange in the tradition of friendship bracelets will develop from the pool of handcrafted bracelets. Our design should strengthen the identification with the object through the creative participation of the little ones and thus promote the joy of learning to read the time.


Semester Project FHNW HGK
«The Details are not the Details»

Sarah Maurer
Samuel Perren

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