In the proof-of-concept, we were able to verify that almost 100% of the waste heat generated by ICT equipment can be used to supply heat to a residential building using immersion cooling technology. This impressive fact makes it possible to reduce the PUE (energy efficiency of a data center) below one, which can be interpreted as energy-negative computing or carbon neutral heating.

My roles in the already running project were both theoretical and practical:

  • Drive and develop the business model with internal and external stakeholders
  • Co-developing and supporting the proof-of-concept with an external partner
  • Practical prototyping: Optimizing the function of the overall system, designing test setups using design thinking, fine-tune the system in cooperation with manufacturers, general troubleshooting
  • Exploration & ideation for the utilization of acyclic heat


The sustainable heating system of the future

2022 -2023

Internship at
IWB Industrielle Werke Basel
& Independent Consultant

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