The ultimate roller trainer to stage your bike

To date, the sports equipment market has not offered an aesthetically pleasing roller trainer for racing bikes. Most models also have room for improvement in daily use and handling. DYNOS does address these issues. The set consisting of the trainer and a front wheel support. Together they form a functional and aesthetic unit. The product encourages not to store away the bike after every use, but to stage it together with DYNOS. In addition to these qualities, the design impresses with the high user-friendliness provided by the Hop On / Hop Off system. The new concept automatically creates the connection between the bike and the training axis based on the body weight of the user. To protect the tire, this connection is disengaged at the push of a button after training. Inconvenient levers and threads are a thing of the past. DYNOS elevates your racing bike to a sculpture and daily training to pure enjoyment.


Semester Project FHNW HGK
«Design Thinking Challenge: Bicycle»

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